Thursday, 19 October 2017

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Berömda Traders. OptiLab Partners AB Fatburs Brunnsgata 31 118 28 Stockholm Sweden. Trading valutaväxling på marginal medför en hög risk och kan inte vara lämplig för alla investerare Den höga hävstångsgraden kan fungera mot dig såväl som för dig Innan du bestämmer dig Att investera i utländsk valuta bör du noggrant överväga dina investeringsmål, erfarenhetsnivå och riskappetit. Ingen information eller åsikt på denna webbplats bör tas som en uppmaning eller ett erbjudande att köpa eller sälja någon valuta, eget kapital eller andra finansiella instrument eller tjänster Tidigare resultat är ingen indikation eller garanti för framtida prestanda Läs vår juridiska ansvarsfriskrivning.2017 OptiLab Partners AB Alla rättigheter reserverade. Ny York skolpojke gjorde 72 miljoner handelslager på hans lunchpausar - och tar nu sina vänner att äta på 400 kaviar, driver en BMW och har definitivt gjort sina invandrare föräldrar stolta. Mohammed Islam, 17, började dabbling i öre aktier vid nio år. Han handlar aktier på lu Nch bryter vid New York s Stuyvesant High School. Han gjorde 8-siffror handel - ryktas att vara så mycket som 72million. Han köpte BMW och Manhattan apartment. He citerar sin inspiration som miljardär hedge-funderare Paul Tudor Jones, 60.Mohammed s föräldrar Är invandrare från Bengal-regionen i Sydasien. Student hoppas kunna starta hedgefond nästa år och göra 1 miljard med vänner. På sin Instagram-profil har han skrivit Mer pengar, mindre problem. Publicerad 15 19 GMT, 14 december 2014 Uppdaterad 23 27 GMT, Den 15 december 2014. Han har ännu inte nått sin 18-årsdag. Men Mohammed Islam, från Queens, New York, har redan gjort en förmögenhet som uppskattas till så mycket som 72 miljoner - från handelslagret vid hans lunchpaus i skolan, enligt New York-tidningen S måndagsproblem. Den 17-årige, som började dabbling i penny stocks vid nio års anbud, spenderar de flesta av hans paus vid Stuyvesant High School trading olja och guld futures och små till mitten av cap aktier. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO. Multi-miljonären Mohammed Islam pictu Rött på ett Facebook-foto, 17, från Queens, New York, har redan gjort uppskattningsvis 72 miljoner - från handelslagret på hans lunchpaus vid Stuyvesant High School. Professional Tonårssentret, i glasögon, som började dabbling i örebestånd vid anbudet Åldern av nio, spenderar merparten av hans skolbrott handel olja och guld futures och små till mitten av cap aktier. Liv av lyx Utanför skolan, Mohammed kvar, i ett Instagram skott tar ofta hans vänner att äta på Morimoto på 10th Avenue , Där de festa på 400 kaviar, dyra rätter och färskpressad äppeljuice. Utanför skolan tar han ofta sina vänner ut för att äta på Morimoto på 10th Avenue där de festa på 400 kaviar, dyra rätter och nypressad äppeljuice Under en intervju för tidningen s 10 års årliga skäl att älska New York, vägrade Mohammed att avslöja sin exakta nettovärde, men han medgav att den var i de höga åtta siffrorna och gav bank - och finanspapper för att backa upp det. Successf Ul tonåring avslöjade att han hade använt sin otroliga rikedom att köpa en BMW - som han ännu inte har licens att köra - och hyra en Manhattan lägenhet. RELATERADE ARTIKLAR. Mystery kvinna som heter Layaway Angel spenderar 20.000 ett hem för att ge dig en kvantitet av Tröst Bomb-proof missil Hot ride MLB-stjärna spenderar 100K som anpassar sitt nya välståndsskillnad mellan vita och minoritetshushållen. Dela den här artikeln. Men hans föräldrar, som är invandrare från den bengalska regionen i Sydasien, kommer inte att tillåta honom att flytta utifrån sitt familjebostad i Queens, enligt New York Post. Mohammed har också tagit sociala medier för att visa upp sin välfinansierade, livliga livsstil - regelbundet lägga upp videor av honom att festa, spela poker och dansa med många kvinnor på Instagram. Hans tjänade pengar har säkert varit till nytta för sina föräldrar. Min pappa jobbar inte nu, och jag tenderar att hjälpa till med saker och framtider ger mig det incitamentet, sa studenten. Skol Under en intervju för New York-tidningen, Mohammed vägrade avslöja sin exakta nettovärde, men han medgav att den var i de höga åtta figurerna ovanför, Stuyvesant High School, där han handlade stocks. Lavish Mohammed har också tagit till sociala medier för att visa upp sin välfinansierade, livliga livsstil - regelbundet postar videor av honom fester, spelar poker bilder och dansar med många kvinnor på Instagram. Birthday roligt Tonåringen avslöjade att han hade använt sin rikedom att köpa en BMW - som han ännu inte har körkort till - och hyra en Manhattan-lägenhet ovanför, ett klipp från en video på Mohammed s Instagram. Detta foto, som också publiceras på studentens Instagram, visar två kvinnor som håller upp flaskor champagne. Men trots sina fördelar är inte Mr och Mrs Islam alltför angelägna om deras sons intresse för handel . Min pappa tycker inte om att finansiera så mycket, Mohammed, som har skrivit frasen, mer pengar, mindre problem på sin Instagram-profil, sa i en ISSUU-intervju. Han säger att han är okej med mig, men min mamma är skeptisk till marknaden Men de ser det som om jag är bra på det, varför inte. Om pengar inte flyter, om företag inte fortsätter, så är det ingen Innovation, inga produkter, inga investeringar, ingen tillväxt, inga jobb. Ett år efter började han experimentera med öreaktier, introducerades Mohammed till ytterligare finansmarknader av sin kusin. Sedan har han utvecklat en livslång passion för handel. Vad får världen att gå runt Pengar, sade han Om pengar inte flyter, om företag inte fortsätter, finns det ingen innovation, inga produkter, inga investeringar, ingen tillväxt, inga jobb. På sin LinkedIn-profil sa studenten att han steg till framgång medan handelslagret under hans lunchpauser, eftersom han följde marknaden, letade efter möjligheter och använde allt från grundanalys till teknisk analys och prisåtgärder för att spekulera på marknaderna. Efter att ha haft hög avkastning i örebestånd fortsatte han vidare till små - Mellankapitalier, sedan derivat, innan de känner av terminsmarknaden och specialiserat sig på olja och guld. Han tillade att han nu har utvecklat en passion för att förstå marknaderna och en passion för att tjäna pengar och handlar i huvudsak på volatilitet och volym. Låt mig ta en självmamma. Mohammed har frasen, mer pengar, mindre problem, skrivet på hans Instagramprofil. Ovanför är en kvinnlig uppenbarare avbildad att ta en selfie i en annan video på Mohammed s Instagram. Tal talar om Hans passion för handelslagret, Mohammed bildade ett tal, som handlar huvudsakligen baserat på volatiliteten och volymen av guld och olja, sa Vad får världen att gå runt pengar. Under sin intervju med New York Magazine s avslöjade Mohammed sin största inspiration i finansvärlden har varit Paul Tudor Jones. Jones, 60, grundare av Tudor Investment Corporation, ett privat kapitalförvaltningsföretag och hedgefonds, rankas som 108: e rikaste amerikanska, enligt Forbes. Moammed sa att medan han hade blivit förlamad Av hans förluster när han började handeln, lärde han sig snabbt av Connecticut-baserade Jones förmåga att komma tillbaka till spelet om och om igen. Jag hade blivit lamslagen av min förlust, men han sa att Jones kunde gå tillbaka till det, även efter att ha tappat tusentals dollar om och om igen. Inspiration Mohammed avslöjade sin största inspiration i finansvärlden har varit Paul Tudor Jones avbildad, grundaren av Tudor Investment Corporation, ett privat kapitalförvaltningsföretag och hedgefond. Med tanke på Business Insider lade han till Jones personlighet och teknik är det som gör honom så framgångsrik och jag strävar efter att bli till och med en procent av mannen han är. Han gick igenom hinder men ändå kom ut på toppen. Det handlar inte bara om pengarna. Vi vill skapa ett broderskap. Och trots sin enorma förmögenhet har Mohammed inga planer på att ge upp handel ännu. Tonåringen sa att han och hans näringsidkare Vänner hoppas kunna starta en hedgefond i juni - när han är gammal nog för att få sin mäklare-återförsäljare licens - och avser att göra en miljard dollar nästa år. Detta kommer förstås att göras samtidigt som du går på college. Det handlar inte bara om pengarna, säger Mohammed, vars yttersta mål är att bana en ban i finansbranschen som gör att han kan bli en ansedd hedgefondschef. Vi vill skapa ett broderskap Som alla vi som är kopplade, vilka är i något tillsammans, som har inflytande. De kommer att våldta mig Kim Kardashian hölls i sängen av en väpnad rånare när hon mentalt prepped för det värsta under Paris rån. Vilken romantik var död Little Mix-stjärnan Jesy Nelson åtnjuter en fest med snabbmat med den nya TOWIE-stjärnan pojkvän Chris Clark Efter söta PDA. Bikini babe Ewan McGregor s modell dotter Clara bländar i figur-flaunting psykedeliska tvådelade i sizzling selfie. Cheeky Emily Ratajkowski går helt naken för dagtid skinny doppning som hon har en bikini paus i Mexiko. X-rated bilder av Holly Willoughby stulen och hotad för användning online när hon ansluter Millie Mackintosh till en ny lista över stjärnor som riktas av hackare. Jag ger bara en liten mix TOWIE cast poke fun på Chris Clark som de retar på sin nya romantik med popstjärnan Jesy Nelson på showen. Min ängel Stephanie Davis delar skötlig video med nyfödd son Caben Albi som sover i hennes armar när hon försöker gå vidare från ex Jeremy McConnell drama. Skottet var svårare att komma överens än de flesta internationella coverstjärnor i den här tidskriften s historia ELLE Australia avslöjar Pia Miller sjuka kontrollnivå över sin nya fotospridning. Själv, köer för freebies och oändliga medieväggar Tidigare Vogue-redaktören Kirstie Clements avslöjar vad Händer verkligen på modeshower och hur scenen har förändrats drastiskt. Sluta berätta för folk att sätta ner Adele STOPS konsert mitt show för att knäcka det vid säkerhetsvakt under finalen konsert i Melbourne. Hej vackra Eva Mendes visar bort mördarkurvor som modeller senaste kollektionen av kläder. Nicki Minaj slår racy poserar i bondage stil läder Bra och ren kroppssuit i Instagram bilder. Hon lever i ständig rädsla. Rita Ora installerar 20.000 panikrum i hennes hem i London efter skrämmande inbrott, som lämnat henne psykiskt ledsen. Liam Gallagher tar sikte på falsk bror Noel AGAIN eftersom han använder episk Twitter-angrepp för att tillkännage namnet på den lämpliga namngivna nya singeln Not For Sale . Relaaaxxin Bella Hadid lounger i en knappt där bikini under improviserad jamaicansk semester. Miley Cyrus blinkar sin mage i beskuren tee och riven jeans när hon tar söndagsbrunch med mamma Tish och syster Brandi i Malibu. Jag faller i hans ögon och glömmer min dialog Jane Fonda säger att hon fortfarande suddade över Robert Redford medan han arbetade på sin fjärde film tillsammans. Det är ingen kärleksförlust alls Reese Witherspoon rasande med co-star Nicole Kidman efter fallout över deras nya TV-show Big Little Lies. Heroine s bästa vän Supergirl-stjärnan Melissa Benoist går med sin co-star Chris Woods hund. Jag kommer att älska dig för evigt Den moderna familjeaktören Rico Rodriguez far, Roy, går bort och stjärnan hylder hjärtat i Instagram posten. Billie Faiers Stepdad avslöjar bara hennes nyfödda namn New Dad Greg Shepherd förenar sin svärfar till våt ARTHURs huvud 12 dagar efter födelsen. Koronationsgatan kunde möta Ofcom-efterforskning efter översvämning av klagomål från tittarna om störande Bethany Platt sexringshistoria. EastEnders Steve McFadden bjälkar från öron till öra, som han lovade av kvinnliga beundrare medan han deltog i nattklubbens utseende. De senaste fem åren har varit de bästa Hilary Duff-raserna om son Luca när han firar födelsedag med Ghostbusters themed bash. Han bad mig att flytta i New Girl Yazmin Oukhellou chocker TOWIE kastade genom att avslöja sina planer på att bosätta sig med James Lockie Lock innan de ens hade gjort sin romantik tjänsteman. Hans motivation Ben Affleck ler när han spenderar tid med sina tre barn efter alkohol rehab uppenbarelse. Jag är en lycklig man Ronnie Wood, 69, kramar att hans fru Sally, 39, och deras tio månader gamla tvillingflickor är hans idé om himlen i söt magasinsfotografering. Jag verkar som en lejon, men jag är dum för kärlek Nicole Scherzinger talar om att vara en pussycat i relationer, eftersom hon avslöjar att hon fortfarande diskuterar X Factor return. Cody Simpson hade ett nässjobb. Bilder av sångaren, 20, föreslår att han kanske har Gått under kniven sedan anländer på musikplatsen som en tonåring. Jag känner mig så mycket lyckligare Casey Donovan redo att få sin karriär tillbaka på rätt spår efter att ha släppt en skarp 17kg på mig. En kändis får mig ut av här. Halcyons Hermione Corfield visar upp sin lilla figur i en ren klänning när hon träffar riket utmärkelse röda mattan en vecka efter tv-showen axed efter bara en säsong. Bondi babe Karlie Kloss ger bana glamour till ikoniska Sydney Beach i fantastisk skott för Vogue Australia. Du fastnar upp b Amber Turner slår Chloe Meadows för att skvaller om hennes tryst med Dan Edgar som de anklagar varandra för att förstöra deras vänskap i hård row. It tar två Nicky Hilton och man James Rothschild håller händerna medan buntas upp för morgonbana. Fan Jenna Dewan Tatums dotter Everly får tillfällig Disney-tatuering medan han på bönderna marknadsför med känd mamma. SÄRSKILDA ALERT Mick Carters familjesamling för sin mamma Sylvies begravning UTAN EastEnders stjärna Danny Dyer som det hävdas att den oroliga skådespelarens återvändande är imminent. Alex Jones ger fans de första glimt av baby Teddy i söta familjen Instagram snap när hon firar vänd milstolpeåldern på 40. Jag kommer inte att hålla tillbaka Kim Kardashian-pluggarna, berätta för alla episoder av KUWTK när hon förbereder sig för att avslöja allt om den natten i Paris . Gör mig le Stephanie Davis delar sällsynt snap av den förtjusande sonen Caben Albi i kölvattnet av ex Jeremy McConnells arrestering för påstådd överfall. Jennifer Lopez och den nya beauen Alex Rodriguez delar en golfbil när hon ansluter honom till New York Yankees-spelet. Nästa Jenner-ation Modellskönhet Kendall sätter pulserande racing som hon ligger i en serie av underbara underkläder för ny LaPerla-kampanj. Bert och Patti Newton förstördes över rykten, den oroliga sonen Matthew har splittrat sig med fianc e Cat Schneiderman på grund av sin tendens att gå av skenorna. i det bara för pengarna lovade MAFS s Michelle en BONUS lönecheck för att vistas på showen efter att hon har ett eldigt argument med tv-mannen Jesse på fest. Hoppar en mördare i din nattkatt, Vera Det är inte ett stiligt utseende, PET CHRISTOPHER STEVENS recensioner förra helgen S TV. Catching up Vampire Diaries stjärnan Paul Wesley och ex-flickvän Phoebe Tonkin återförenas på bönder marknaden. Fashion eller faux pas En trött och disheveled ser Richard Wilkins dons mismatched outfit att plocka upp pal K Arl Stefanovic på flygplatsen. De bestämde sig för betyg för att behålla sig i MKR s Josh och Amy anklagar David och Betty SCORE-RIGGING för att förödmjuka dem framför andra deltagare. Katie Price riskerar att ta bort hela hennes dröm när hon klättrar in i taxi efter gifting döende man Kieran Hayler med en bil för sin 30-årsdag. Brurande broar Michelle och The Commando lämnade den största förloraren efter en pågående fejd med cast och besättningsmedlemmar. Ramsylt Dwayne Johnson stoppar trafiken genom att spela med en enorm boll under strandfilmsfotografering. Droppa det som en bror Storbror s Lateysha Grace jobbar upp med en svett i klyvning, flaunting rosa sportbh, som hon tränar i parken. Cheryl Hines och Robert F Kennedy Jr smäller alla på filmpremiären efter nysspekulationen är deras treåriga äktenskap skakigt. Två kvinnor arresteras efter X Factor-stjärnan Lucy Spraggan är slagen, BITTEN och har hennes hår utdragna i attacken efter att ha lämnat en konsert. SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE Ramsay betalar 4m för stopgap-fritidshus Chef bu är ett annat tillflyktsort i Cornwall medan man väntar på att byggnaden ska byggas om. Joanne Froggatt sizzles i super-klädda kappa, eftersom hon har en mini Downton-reunion med Laura Carmichael vid stjärnstjärtade Empire Awards. Fäster ner hennes stil jeans Kourtney Kardashian stenar slashed denim som hon head to the movies med fashionabla dotter Penelope. SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE Pippa s pocher passar Duchess of Cambridge s syster ses jogging i London som den avslöjade framtida svärsonen Spencer Matthews vann inte bli ett plus-ett vid hennes bröllop. Ellen Pompeo och Gray s Anatomy co-stars rock nyanser av blått på Paleyfest och prata om den chockerande episoden. Fågeln var på huvudet Kim Zolciak och döttrar Ariana och Brielle tar en gondolresa runt kanalen i Venedig. Jag var i fullständig chock RHOS s Lisa Oldfield avslöjar Victoria Rees tog upp hennes äktenskapliga problem under sin Whitsundays getaway efter att ha konfigurerat sig i hemmafru. Avskurna helt Brud och fördom s Chris avslöjar att han fortfarande inte talar med sina föräldrar när de vägrade att delta i sitt TV-bröllop till partner Grant. Att få Arnold Schwarzenegger tillbaka vid 70 år är ett tufft utseende. Kommande Terminator-film dras från produktionen efter att cheferna blivit förälskad med idén om en uppföljare. Att satsa på full fart Vanderpump Rules-stjärnan Scheana Marie cavorts med ny man Robert Valleta på bikini-break She Splittras från hennes man i november. Bianca Gascoigne visar hennes sensationella kroppsbyggnad som hon ökar sina tillgångar i snyggeskinnbikini under Cyperns paus. När mamma går till Starbucks delar Romeo Beckham snap på sin mamma Victoria s mycket Posh kaffe när hon återvänder till Spice Girls smeknamn. Jag mår att lära mig att vara ensam Den skönaste ledande damen Scarlett Johansson, alltid på äktenskap, män och förklara krig mot Donald Trump. Han verkar ha det bra Scott Disick säger att Rob Kardashian klarar sig väl med Blac Chyna break-up. Hayley Atwell är bilden av sofistikering i Bardot blonda klänning som hon gör show-stop ankomst vid 2017 Empire Awards. Jag vill inte spela någon som är rasemässigt missbrukad Thandie Newton hävdar att det finns smala val för personer med färg på brittisk tv på grund av att dramatiken stiger. Till det goda livet, vinnare Sting och Trudie Styler kolla in tävlingen som de sätter in Gästutseende på Dusseldorf-mässan. En bråckad hit Skönhet och odjuret slår oss ihop i USAs weekendkassokontor med en överraskande 170m-debut. Lee vet Georgiens kärlek såg att hon lämnade skönhet och odjuret premiär med Bachelorette-runner upp Cameron Cranley efter att ha deltagit på premiären utan pojkvän Elliott. Tidigare MIC-stjärnan Nicola Hughes blinkar sina tappar i en fräsch fransad kjol när hon ansluter sig till en casual chic Tiffany Watson på Smurfs premiär. Vilka sömnlösa nätter Den nya mamman Beatrice Borromeo ser imponerbart fräsch inför sig när hon går med Monaco s royals på Rose Ball mindre än tre veckor Efter att ha fött. Livets kärlek Behati Prinsloo önskar Adam Levine grattis på födelsedagen och delar ett foto av honom i en fårhatt. Att ta steget I dag ser värd Karl Stefanovic ut sig efter att han blivit dunkad i vattentank för att samla in pengar till ett barns sjukhus. Det kommer bli ett bra tillfälle Hollyoaks Duncan James medger Blå bandmate Lee Ryan s EastEnders roll kommer att vara bra disciplin för festen pojken. Lite Miss Sofia Lionel Richie s tjej vänder om ett elegant nytt blad som hon dike gatan stil för natten ut. Överst i världen rider Suri Cruise på en pal s axlar i foto publicerat av mamma Katie Holmes. Jag vill bara hänga med Toadie och Harold Brendan Fevola säger att han pumpas för att få en komo-roll på grannar och stjärna tillsammans med radio-co-värd Fifi Box. Nygiften Amanda Seyfried och make Thomas Sadoski sett för första gången sedan de i hemlighet lutade. Stephanie Pratt visar upp sin sensationella figur i chic cornflower blå klänning som hon klär nya husdjur pooch Max som en SMURF för premiär. Monaco s Charlotte Casiraghi och hennes svärson Beatrice wow i gotisk glamour på den årliga Rose Ball men var var Charlene och Albert. Jag gjorde mer än att kyssa en tjej Katy Perry avslöjar breakout hit var inspirerad av sina egna erfarenheter jag kysste en tjej var en känsla när den första gången släpptes 2008. Jag kommer alltid älska dig Jerseylicious stjärnan Mike Aktari död 28 år som förödd ex - Flickvän Olivia Blois betalar hyllning Ingen foul play var misstänkt, men dödsorsaken har ännu inte bekräftats i avvaktan på resultaten av toxikologiska tester. Dock har Bean en dyr skilsmässa Rowan Atkinson dammar bort från hans ikoniska galna karaktär för ny film i Kina två år Efter splittring från fru i 24 år. Danniella Westbrook dons en ren kroppssuit och hotpants som hon visar upp sin pole dancing färdigheter i Marbella. Vi försökte övertyga honom om att stanna Take That Stars avslöja den verkliga orsaken Jason Orange lämnade bandet och fortsätt försöka locka tillbaka honom. Det kommer ner till timing, lycka och passion Hur Instagram-skönheten Sjana Earp gjorde henne 1 2 miljoner anhängare till ett framgångsrikt företag där hon tar emot upp till 15 000 per post. Harry Potter s Harry Judd och fru Izzy delar söt klipp av deras älsklingsdotter Lola utter henne första word. Love Island s Kady McDermott visar upp otroligt tonad derriere igen efter att ha avslöjat sin fräcka sida i racy shots på romantisk paus. Nikki Grahame lämnar INTE fantasin när hon bär hennes underkläder från under gothic lace gown vid Kieran Haylers 30-årsdag. Det här byxorna Charlotte McKinney blinkar underkläderna i en liten skarr klänning efter en vildnatt ute. Hon drar inte slag Sverige s Princess Sofia försöker sin hand på BOXING vid öppningen av ett ungdomscenter i Stockholm. Varje område i mitt liv var så regimerat. Zayn Malik avslöjar att hans ätstörning var det enda sättet han kunde utöva kontroll under hans One Direction-dagar. Bildad Tiny 30-seat kapell där George Michaels begravning kommer att äga rum nästa vecka Popstjärnan förväntas läggas för att vila bredvid sin mamma. Minna klänning för en stor dag Shanina Shaik flaunts pert posterior i en TINY sequin slitklänning som hon firar en väns födelsedag i Las Vegas. Alla sett Boomer Michael Phelps visar Larry King bilder som ny pappa lämnar älskling hemma för en date natt med fru Nicole. Tina Malone blir huvudet med sin nya pixie cut och scarlet miniklänning som hon njuter av natt med mannen Paul. De är inte stulna Lauren Goodger piskar ut på kritiker som jailbird beau Joey Morrison lanserar lyxklocka från PRISON innan han står i cellblokdesigners T-shirt. James Blunt avslöjar att Ed Sheeran gjorde honom obehaglig under låtskrivning för sitt nya album. TOWIE comeback konungen Mario Falcone s flickvän Becky Miesner visar upp sin otroliga strand kropp i skarp bikini under Barbados paus efter att han märker henne The One. Zoe Ball är upptäckt utan hennes vigselring medan hon handlar i London när hon går vidare med ny pojkvän Billy Yates efter split Från make Fatboy Slim. Räkna ner dagarna Millie Mackintosh delar söt flashback-semester på Instagram medan hon rusar över pojkvän Hugo Taylor medan han är borta i Abu Dhabi. Michael Keegan och Mark Wright ser närmare än någonsin ut som de borstar rift rykten åt sidan i älskad selfie från en vän s wedding. Khloe Kardashian shuns low-key courtside stil till förmån för 10.500 ensemble komplett med hoodie och lår-höger. I en liga av sin egen Doting pappa James Corden har ett spel med fotboll med son Max, 5, som fru Julia och Dotter Carey, 2, heja på. Bakom djungeln ser Lisa Curry strålande ut när hon återvänder till Australien med sin familj efter att jag är en kändis som får mig ut av här. Slutligen känns som hemma Stephanie Davis återvänder till sociala medier med söt snap av son Caben s sovrum efter ex Jeremy McConnell arrestering för påstådd överfall. BILD EXCLUSIVE Danielle Amstrong visar upp krusande abs och skonsam bust i knappt där bikini som hon packar på PDA med Beau Daniel Spelare i Dubai. Det beror helt på att man får rätt person David Tennant säger att han skulle rädda en kvinnlig doktor som Tilda Swinton är bland de tippade för att komma in i Tardis. PICTURED Kat Graham kollapsar med matförgiftning efter att ha hävdat att hon konsumerade en cannabisbrun. Imogen Thomas väljer totalt Elegans i flödande midjan kjol med beskuren bygel som hon tar dotter Ariana till stjärna-studded Smurfs premiär. Hon blev riktigt frustrerad. Abbey Clancy slog mycket ilska över diva-BNTM-tävlande bland anspråk på att aspirerande modeller var oförskämda, okunniga och kämpade mot SMILE. Susan Sarandon, 70, skär en snygg figur i en prydlig Simpsons bomberjacka, eftersom hon har ett ishockeyspel med son Miles, 24.Katy Perry visar upp sin sveltefigur i chic svarta och vita kappa med rufsad hals vid Människorättskampanjgalaen i LA. Gravid Cally Jane Beech visar upp sin växande bump i elegant vit klänning som hon stöds på baby Dusch av pal Vicky Pattison. Hon sa knockout Sharon Stone, 59, sätter på en busty skärm i en plunging svart klänning som hon leder glamouren vid Muhammad Ali Celebrity Fight Night. Vanessa Redgrave, 80, och skådespelaren make Franco Nero, 75, stun publiken med romantisk rutin på Italien s Strict Come Dancing. Blushing skönhet Beyonce ser fantastiskt ut som hon visar hennes barnstopp i en utrustad klänning och rosa jacka. Drake medger att han skickar full text till Jennifer Lopez på nytt album men thei R samverkan gör inte snittet och Kanye vann t heller inte vara. Oralypto stjärna Rudy Youngblood arresterad för att vara full och oordnad efter att ha missbrukats mot andra pokerspelare på kasinot. Gigi Hadid håller det roligt i lax sweatsuit som hon lämnar NYC lägenhet. Vilken last av skräp Danny Dyers hustru slår ut på grund av att hennes man reeked av sprit under en explosiv kamp i Selfridges. Pool partiet Kylie och Kendall Jenner njuta av solpoolen med pal Hailey Baldwin Kendall och Kylie Jenner gick upp med sin goda vän Hailey Baldwin. Blå wo Man Group Nina Dobrev och en grupp av hennes bikini babe gal pals täcker deras ansikten med kroppsfärg. Suki Waterhouse gnistrar i stupande sequinned tank top som hon främjar popup-butik med gal pal Poppy Jamie. Girls weekend Bella Hadid viskar hennes vänner Till Jamaica i en sista minuten resa via privat jet. Egentligen känner du inte igen den personen Lisa Riley delar en otroligt smidigt snap, eftersom hon är stolt över sin viktminskning på 10 STONE. Jag vet att mina dagar är numrerade Sir Michael Caine, 84, förlorar TWO STONE mitt i cancerfrygor när han krediterar fru Shakira för att hålla honom på väg. Din musik är graverad inuti oss för evigt Mick Jagger leder kändis hyllningar efter Chuck Berrys död. Kate Hudson och Goldie Hawn njuter av mamma-dotter bonding när de leder till baby shower som Kurt Russell mops körningen. Amanda Seyfried går ut med mannen Thomas Sadoski för Första gången sedan nakenfoto läckage. Familjstid Doting mamma Geri Horner vaggar en månad gammal son Montague i en snäll Instagram snap med man Christian och deras barn. Tanken att förlora Kim är känslomässigt ärr Kris Jenner avslutar intervju i tårar när hon påminner om skräcken i Paris-rån. Hur gör hon det? Rebecca Judd förbereder sig för att äta på en MASSIV biff under överdådiga damerna ut som hon lutar sin lilla figur i blått dress. Pia Mia sizzles i en silver bikini som hon pratar varje tum av hennes svelte figur under soluppvakta hawaiiska semester. Jag är mer än bara ett vackert ansikte Modell Adriana Lima säger att hon vill att folk ska titta på bortom hennes kropp efter mötet med andliga guru. Hollywood hunks Jake Gyllenhaal och Ryan Reynolds ser snygg ut i matchande mörka kostymer för screening av livet vid SXSW. En uppförsbacke strider Hollywood-stjärnan Jude Law jobbar svett när han vågar ut för en jog i norra London. Missar Joey Lauren Goodger passionerat puckers upp till en kvinnlig kompis i sjukt snap när hon avslöjar planer för jailbird beau att stjäla tillsammans med henne i ny verklighetserie. Hennes mamma Behati Prinsloo visar upp sin sexiga efterkroppskropp bara fem månader efter givin G birth. Chic cast Mandy Moore är vacker i grönt som Chrissy Metz rocks blommigt nummer på This Is Us PaleyFest LA presentation. Olivia Culpo bländar i riven topp och jeans när hon plockar upp en rosa juice efter romantisk semester med sinky pojkvän Danny Amendola. Australian TV legend Bert Newton är extremt sjuk och rusade till sjukhus med lunginflammation. Caring komiker Ben Stiller hjälpte till att höja över 1million för svältande somalier Ben Stiller sa stor stjärna med ett ännu större hjärta. De har blivit nära Nicholas Hoult är träffande Playboy Pinup Bryana Holly som har knutits till Brody Jenner och Leonardo DiCaprio. Klädda på middag Alec Baldwin, 58, ställer sig med fru Hilaria, 33, i svart slips vid kaminen i sitt kök. She sa sexkattunge Skye Wheatley flaunts EXTREME klyvning i raunchy underkläder paras med en spets pussycat headpiece. Puppy Love Djurälskare Kate Upton och Justin Verlander värd en adoptionshändelse för hund i Florida. REVEALED Mel Gibson har tyst donerat pengar till överlevande för Holocaust för förflutna årtiondet som han försöker göra förändringar för hans ökända 2006 anti-semetiska rant. SPOILER ALERT Som Lauren överväger att fuska på Steven Beale, ställs frågor om precis vem hennes mysterium beundrare verkligen är på EastEnders. Väg trippin Kim Zolciak och dotter Brielle Snap upp en storm som de uthärdar lång bil och båttur till Venedig. Det kommer att bli en liten privat samling George Michaels begravning som ska äga rum i 30-sits kapell vid Highgate Ceremony för att minimera risken för mobbning av fans. Neighbours inte mer klassisk australiensisk tvål kunde försvinna från våra skärmar efter 31 år som talar över Brittisk TV-deal stall. Jag har samma rädslor och ånger som alla kvinnor har Blondie frontwoman Debbie Harry avslöjar oro för att förlora sitt utseende före australiensisk turné. Jag ville bara stanna förbi för alltid Kym Marsh medger att hennes barn räddade henne efter den tragiska döden av son Archie och hjälpte henne att förbereda sig för förlossningshistoria på Corrie. En riktig kunglig blunder Sarah Morgan, 16, FORGETS texterna till Lorde Classic och skickas hem Under spänd kvartfinalen på The Voice UK. Tal om bröllopsklockor har börjat Jeremy Kyle planerar att gifta sig med sina barns före detta barnepike Vicky Burton efter fyra månaders romantik. Ska inte äta ute i ilska Noel Gallagher har en middagsdatum med fru Sara MacDonald i hans hemstad Manchester. Under tiden är Gwen Stefani skär en snygg figur i armégröna byxor när hon plockar upp sina pojkar från hennes föräldrars hus. Tippad rosa smink Makeup-fri Scarlett Moffatt kommer ut ur hennes London-vadderade i ögonblickande ytterkläder som hon leder till nästa avdrag på Saturday Night Takeaway. Av familjen Jennifer Lopez snaps foton med ny pojkvän Alex Rodriguez syster Suzy. Jag hoppas att jag suger upp hennes bada ery Olivia Wilde ser blöt och slagen i Instagram snap som filmning på A Vigilante wraps. Red hot Victoria s hemliga modell Devon Windsor paraderar hennes bikini bod i små tvådelade som hon firar årsdag med pojkvän i Miami. Öva med ett annat barn s Gravida Amy går ut i hårrullar som hon slår ut sin blomstrande bump i klumpiga samord som sätts medan man dotter på kusin. Du skulle inte tro på vem vi sprang i Justin Bieber mobbed av en grupp POLICE i Sydney. Håll seriösa Nancy Kerrigan-valsar i DWTS-träning med en skumrulle för hennes sträckor. Åh älskling Ryan Lochte tar en promenad med gravid fiancee Kayla Rae Reid som hon Visar upp sin kula i träningsredskap. Not much has changed Nostalgic Millie Mackintosh shares two sweet throwback snaps from her childhood. Jesus Christ, this is horrendous Twitter users SLAM Gogglebox s Dom and Steph and accuse them of being drunk as they perform on Let s Sing And Dance. GIRL ABOUT TOWN Liz Hurley s dream date Her 14-year-old son as strapping teenager accompanies her to movie premiere. GIRL ABOUT TOWN Katie has finally got Jordan off her chest but Pricey is still going strong. GIRL ABOUT TOWN The grim and dim reality of being a star is painted in their Instagram snaps. GIRL ABOUT TOWN Romeo Beckham s new job steps away from Burberry glamour as he washes up cups in a cafe for 2 73 an hour. Cream of the crop Newly-slim Katie McGlynn flaunts her toned abs and TINY waist in sequin cut-out maxi dress at The Christie Charity Ball. Soccer mom on duty Jennifer Garner dons skinny jeans to take Seraphina and Violet to sports match. I had opened a nasty can of worms Carrie Bickmore speaks out about parenting in the age of social media, as she reveals she was once called negligent by other mothers online. The Voice of doom Saturday night talent contest poached from the BBC for 300million has already lost HALF of its six million viewers. She might as well have put her hand in a blender Carrie Bickmore speaks out about Rachael Finch s parenting. MasterChef star Gregg Wallace reveals he was targeted by elderly couple who police are investigating for fraud after they spent 1million of investors money living at a plush London hotel. She s wants to focus on other areas Prince Harry s girlfriend Meghan Markle ready to quit acting after wrapping next season of Suits. We can accomplish big goals Demi Lovato speaks to the U N with her Smurfs cartoon co-stars in attendance. Holy rollers Justin Bieber takes a bike tour around Auckland with the Hillsong pastor who baptised the pop star in a bathtub. He s expected to return imminently Danny Dyer heads back to Eastenders after a month off to discuss scripts as show writers work round the clock to amend his storyline. She s wants to focus on other areas Prince Harry s girlfriend Meghan Markle ready to quit acting after wrapping next season of Suits. It s public, how mother would want it Todd Fisher unveils plans for spectacular memorial to Debbie Reynolds and sister Carrie. Exes On The Town Charlotte Dawson flaunts her busty cleavage in plunging figure-hugging number while birthday girl Jenny Thompson sizzles in lace-up LBD. EXCLUSIVE I am the only person in the world to have it Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves spills all on his pioneering butt lift after REVOKING his World Record Book application. Where s Richie The Bachelor s Alex Nation chats to mystery man at a Mebourne bar amid rumours she and her beau have split. Big sister duties Rochelle Humes shares heart-melting photo of daughter Alaia and newborn baby Valentina. Vacation vibes Chrissy Teigen and John Legend pose for a family selfie with daughter Luna. Nadia and Anthony OVER Married At First Sight couple split after race caller DUMPS brunette beauty out of the blue before reunion show. Billie Faiers continues to flaunt her incredible post-baby body after welcoming newborn son with fiance Greg Shepherd just ONE WEEK ago. I m very happy he s really great Lisa Hogan, 46, reflects on her blossoming relationship with Jeremy Clarkson, 56, for the FIRST time. MORE DON T MISS. Now Jaime Pressly is targeted as burglar steals laptop and jewelry days after Kendall Jenner was robbed of 200,000. Proper grown ups Corrie star Lucy Fallon buys house with new beau just one year afer moving out of flat she shared with ex boyfriend. Age-defying Melanie Sykes, 46, showcases her incredible abs as she puts on busty display in sports bra selfie. All the fun of the fair Stacey Solomon and Imogen Thomas bring along their broods for day out at star-studded Chessington ride launch. No sign of an itch Model Jacqui Ritchie glows with happiness as she shares seven year anniversary snap with beardy husband Guy on sunset bathed rooftop. She looks like a 10 10 but she just farted Bikini-clad Louise Thompson is outed by boyfriend Ryan Libbey for PASSING WIND while posing for sexy holiday snap in Dubai. Weekend vibes Charlotte McKinney flashes her midriff as she gets a post-workout coffee with a friend. Reese Witherspoon wows in red for Disney Springs opening and gets surprise visit from Beauty And The Beast s Josh Gad. Put a ring on it Fans beg TOWIE hunk Mario Falcone to propose to girlfriend Becky as couple share romantic holiday snaps on the beach. Body is really getting there Vicky Pattison displays sensational frame in strappy black bikini as she lauds progress with slimmed-down figure. I m taking control Kaitlyn Bristowe, 31, freezes her eggs and The Bachelorette fiance Shawn Booth is fully behind her. Newly slimline Tina Malone continues image overhaul as she debuts edgier peroxide blonde pixie cut while leaving London hair salon. Now, where s that puddy tat Bella Hadid rocks a Tweety jacket as she dresses head to toe in 90s fashion She s a child of the 90s. Chic Cat Deeley shows off her enviably slender figure in flouncy white top and jeans as she steps out for lunch in LA with husband Patrick Kielty. If Salvador Dali can do a chocolate advert, it s fine Noel Fielding s pal reveals why comic decided to accept Bake Off presenter role. We re fighting for each other Blac Chyna reveals she still loves wonderful dad Rob Kardashian as she stops by his birthday party. Go hang yourself EOTB s Zahida Allen exposes vile racist troll branding her dirty p i with suicide slur after claims co-star Chanelle McCleary dubbed her a crusty naan bread. TOWIE s Dan Edgar s fraudulent investment company scammed customers out of 450k selling overpriced coloured diamonds. Touchdown Angelina Jolie and her six children arrive back in Los Angeles after their European humanitarian tour. Lottie Moss leaves little to the imagination as she flashes her endless legs from beneath barely-there mini with fur coat for night on the town. Tamara Ecclestone coordinates with birthday girl daughter Sophia in matching leather jackets during fun day out. Hair s to you Jessica Biel looks glamorous in bold make-up as she rolls back time with decades old curly style. Adele just rolled by in a black box Melbourne fans cheer a BOX being wheeled towards the stage after the superstar s secret concert entrance is exposed. I find funny in dark places I m A Celebrity s Nazeem Hussain dishes on the pressure of being a Muslim ambassador as his success soars. It was so hard, so draining and testing Rio Ferdinand admits he contemplated suicide in lowest ebb after telling his kids of wife Rebecca s death. George Michael s lover Fadi Fawaz faces legal action as tragic star s family desperately seek to turf him out of singer s 5million London home. Retail therapy Kendall Jenner shows off her toned tummy in crop top as she indulges in a shopping trip with BFF Hailey Baldwin days after shock 200k jewellery theft. Now that s multi-tasking Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis juggle the kids as they head out for a morning coffee. A royal embrace Chic Princess Charlene cuddles up to daughter Gabriella, 2, as the Monaco royal family enjoy a day at a charity rugby tournament. Her confidence is something else TOWIE star Gemma Collins wows fans as she flaunts slimmed-down physique in LBD while seductively dancing. EXCLUSIVE He s deeply in tune with God and religion, there were no sexual favours Roze Cook reveals what REALLY happened at Justin Bieber s Melbourne boat party. Dazzling Kate opts for THREE costume changes in a matter of hours in Paris as she and William begin their two-day Brexit charm offensive. You can t touch this Danielle Mason strips totally NAKED for sizzling selfie as she continues to recover from terrifying seizure. It s basically two hours of crying and songs about my ex-boyfriend Adele jokes with fans at Melbourne show before breaking into an impersonation of her friend Beyonc. I thought this is it Kim Kardashian reveals she believed Paris robbers were a drunk Kourtney before admitting she thought she was going to die during ordeal. Mariah Carey puts on a VERY busty display in plunging PVC dress as she celebrates St Patrick s Day with beau Bryan Tanaka and children Moroccan and Monroe. Where s Richie The Bachelor s Alex Nation chats to mystery man at a Melbourne bar amid rumours she and her beau have split. They were NOT top of the list Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig chosen for GBBO after rejections from other A-List stars as its revealed bosses are worried about line-up. Nicki Minaj flaunts curvaceous figure in hot pink latex with futuristic shades as she joins Jason DeRulo in raunchy music video. It s traditional, and nobody speaks about it Tilda Swinton s ex-partner reveals he is the child of a loving incestuous relationship between his mother and grandfather. Rihanna rocks quirky sports-luxe ensemble for NYC night out as she prepares to star as ill-fated Marion Crane in Bates Motel. Justin Bieber has not spoken to police about headbutting case before departing the USA to embark on Purpose world tour. New babies Underwear-clad Sallie Axl shares shock snap with BLOOD-filled sacks attached to her bust as she parades results of boob job, rib removal and nose job. Glammed up Olivia Cox puts on a leggy display in spotty white dress and black jacket as she parties in London. Back to twerk Justin Bieber arrives in Auckland for New Zealand leg of his Purpose tour before enjoying a VERY intimate moment with back-up dancer. Kendall Jenner fires security guard after 200,000 worth of jewellery was stolen from her home as she recovers at exclusive Hollywood hotel. Not again Arnold Schwarzenegger is photographed riding a bicycle without a helmet in Melbourne after he was stopped by police for the SAME reason during his last visit in 2015. I said it s the worst idea you ve ever had Emma Freud reveals she first thought Richard Curtis s Comic Relief Love Actually special would be tacky and horrible. Eternally youthful Jane Fonda, 79, resembles a woman half her age as she shows off flawless skin and slim figure while filming scenes for TV show Grace and Frankie. Trying to be happy for a change Bikini-clad Courtney Stodden, 22, plasters on a smile as she shakes off pain from Doug Hutchison, 55, split. Charlotte Crosby is almost unrecognisable with plump pout and blue contacts in holiday selfie after sparking concern with VERY full lips in Snapchat video. Katie Price shows off her midriff as she cheers in delight as her horse comes in first place at the Gold Cup at Cheltenham races alongside husband. Ex On The Beach s Jess Impiazzi teases at her eye-popping assets with saucily unbuttoned shirt and ripped jeans for night out in Manchester. Blac Chyna showcases her derriere in skintight leggings as she celebrates Rob Kardashian s 30th birthday amid custody feud. He CAN feel her face The Weeknd puts on a tender display with girlfriend Selena Gomez as he gives her a kiss on the cheek while out in Toronto. As the campaign against Bex turned violent, there was so much bullying in Walford even Shirley Carter was being pushed around in EastEnders, by Jim Shel ley. And the National Television Award for worst CGI ever goes to Fans savage unrealistic looking train during Mick Carter s crying scene in EastEnders. Whatever floats her boat Myleene Klass exhibits her ample cleavage and toned abs in TINY bikini as she enjoys paddle-boarding in Sri Lanka. Sam Faiers is desperate to shed her Essex image as she hopes to relocate to Hertfordshire to start fresh and reposition her brand. Booting up Kate Beckinsale shows off her slender figure in black leggings and biker-style leather footwear. Kendall Jenner is seen for the first time since 200,000 of jewelry was stolen from her home keeping a low profile at famed celebrity hideout. Sexy in suede Cara Santana flashes a hint of cleavage in plunging green mini dress at St Patrick s Day SXSW event. Ex On The Beach s Frankie Isabella strips down to a VERY skimpy pair of thongs as she covers her eye-popping assets with her hands at tanning salon. It s lit Ariel Winter shows excitement as she reveals UCLA admittance after deferring for a year due to production schedule. The love doctor Dr Chris Brown spotted buying a pink rose bouquet at Bondi florist after confirming new romance with Kendall Bora. Beauty and brains Karlie Kloss leaves surprise heartfelt note for editor after stunning on the cover of Vogue Australia. Legs for days Bikini-clad Brandi Glanville gets a little cheeky as she celebrates billionaire heir boyfriend s birthday in Mexico. Keeping it simple Rosamund Pike and Charli XCX step out for the Max Mara x Flaunt Dinner in classic ensembles. I wish him all the best in the future Elizabeth-Jayne Tierney CONFIRMS split from Jamie O Hara after just one month of dating. We re like a jigsaw puzzle Melanie C draws a line under Spice Girls reunion tour AGAIN as she reveals they re different to other bands and won t be able to do their success justice. Strutting her stuff Britney Spears models two thigh-skimming dresses and asks Instagram to choose the winner. It s the greatest thing in the world One Tree Hill star Chad Michael Murray opens up on joy of newborn daughter. Boozy property portfolio Ed Sheeran buys leafy Italian because it has a vineyard after building a PUB in his Suffolk mansion. Cutting the mustard Scarlett Moffatt is casually chic in jumper and skinny jeans as she leaves Saturday Night Takeaway rehearsals after her role was met with rave reviews. She s not wearing a Lott Sizzling hot Pixie strips down to very low-cut mesh orange bikini as she rocks wet look in a rooftop infinity pool in Singapore. Hot mama Kourtney Kardashian displayed toned legs in cut-off shorts as she and kids leave a cinema celebration for Rob s birthday. Lily Allen reveals her new album will detail her painful split with ex-husband Sam Cooper, substance abuse issues and include a political message. Bring on the laughs Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon set to star together in comedy The Spy Who Dumped Me. Red is the new black Laverne Cox rocks new curly do while on the set of upcoming series The Trustee. I am still awaiting payment Ferne McCann claims she is owed money by same scamming beauty company who duped Lauren Goodger. Well-suited Arnold Schwarzenegger cuts a dapper figure as he returns to Australia for multi-sports festival. Imitation is the highest form of flattery Blac Chyna copies Kylie Jenner s boudoir style on Instagram Blac Chyna s is known for turning heads with her sultry Instagrams. Claims Justin Bieber hand picked female boat party guests like cattle and dismissed some women as too fat and ugly while on tour in Melbourne. Khloe and Kourtney celebrate Rob s 30th birthday with a St Patrick s-Day - themed bash and present him with a cake of himself as Peter Pan. SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE Samantha Cameron s fashion label is valued at 3 7million just weeks after launching. Thank you for choosing me to be your mother Tamara Ecclestone celebrates daughter Sofia s third birthday in sweet social media montage. Lauren Goodger maintains her trademark Essex glamour at the gym in racy lace-up leggings as she heads home after a gruelling workout. Shot herself in the foot Helen Flanagan shows off her new fluffy slippers on Instagram but poses with them on the wrong way round. Feelin myself Pink returns to her trademark shade of hair after trying out life as a blonde Pink revealed she s had her hair largely colored to match her name. Let Me Entertain You online Robbie Williams set to release a second version of his latest album on YouTube to keep fans interested. Smoking hot Orlando Bloom hits cannabis party with Justin Theroux then leaves with brunette after Katy Perry split Pair attended the launch of a luxury cannabis brand. Nicole Scherzinger looks worse for wear as she leaves party wearing very busty leather ensemble after flashing her underwear in semi-sheer number. Casual customer Eva Longoria manages to look glamorous in a sweater and leggings as she enjoys dinner and movie with family. Lorde keeps a low profile in black trench coat and baseball cap as she steps out with Jack Antonoff days after hitting back at SNL critics. What HAS gone wrong with British comedy Lewd, puerile, lavatorial and lacking any flair or wit - TV humour is at an all-time low, says CHRISTOPHER HART. The Bold And The Beautiful star Katherine Kelly Lang hints at her character s impending nuptials ahead of Australian episode airing. Friday night workout Busty Kate Wright flashes her cleavage in tight crop top as she works on her incredible physique. What Do You Mean, a quiet lunch Photo shows Justin Bieber eating chicken at a Sydney caf as a group of women awkwardly watch him. Twice as nice Dakota Johnson cuts effortlessly stylish figure in jeans while out with dog after changing out of leggings and graphic print top. Wear it if you want to live Arnold Schwarzenegger gifted a helmet by television journalist in Melbourne after being spotted riding without one on last Australian visit. Jeremy McConnell s place on Ex On The Beach is in jeopardy following his arrest on suspicion of assaulting ex Stephanie Davis. How cheeky of her Model Rachel McCord leaves VERY little to the imagination as she poses on Malibu beach in a barely-there black bikini. Brooding Zayn Malik shows off his rugged good looks as he follows in model girlfriend Gigi Hadid s footsteps by posing for fashion shoot Zayn teased the cover of his latest fashion shoot. Divide and conquer Ed Sheeran rivals The Beatles success as he dominates Aria single charts with all 16 tracks from his new album. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt s vintner shoots down rumors exes are offloading Chateau Miraval as it s revealed estate is now selling olive oil. Kiss me quick Paris Hilton wears blingy low-cut gown as she locks lips with new beau Chris Zylka at Hollywood event The couple put on a very public display of affection. Getting Into The Groove Madonna reveals her new twins musical talents in heartwarming social media video. Too late now to say sorry Justin Bieber is a no-show at socialite s Sydney party and instead decides to SKYPE in. I want it all Chris Pratt s diet is in jeopardy as actor can t resist eating cake in hilarious What s My Snack video series. Hugs from Mickey Reese Witherspoon takes her sons to Disney World The 40-year-old Walk The Line star shared many of their activities on Snapchat. PICTURED The Weeknd takes Selena Gomez for shopping trip and romantic stroll during hometown visit to Toronto. Love Island s Malin Andersson is spotted with mysterious BANDAGES on her stomach and confirms she s had cosmetic surgery in Turkey. Presenting duo Ant and Dec set to take over hosting duties from Davina McCall on The Nightly Show as ITV execs hope they can boost ratings. She ll try anything Kim Zolciak gets vigorous booty massage as she checks out treatments at Italian beauty convention. Chance the Rapper reveals Apple paid 500,000 to exclusively stream new album Coloring Book for two weeks won a Grammy for Best New Artist. I took control back Lindsay Lohan on how she turned her life around after realizing toxic relationship with ex Egor was just like her parents. Gorgeous in green Gwen Stefani looks fab in flannel as she posts retro pic of Blake Shelton sporting a full mullet. Jessica Biel shows off her shapely pins in skinny jeans as she enjoys a day off in Santa Monica She s been visiting the gym more often, and it s clearly paying off. The best gift of all Rob Kardashian gushes over baby Dream as he marks his 30th birthday Rob Kardashian had two holidays to celebrate this Friday. Sealed with a kiss Survivor s Mikayla Wingle wears white silk to wed Michael Stapf in romantic New Orleans ceremony. So that s what it s for Vanessa Hudgens covers her decolletage with new hair extensions after Pilates session Theactress styled her new longer tresses to cover her chest. Meet Laura Byrne, the new Bachelor girl Kate Middleton lookalike revealed as a Sydney-based jewellery designer and double major University graduate. She s no Real Housewife Caitlyn Jenner won t join Beverly Hills reality show and wasn t even considered. What a fancy traveler Khloe Kardashian pairs her 23K Hermes Birkin bag with 1K Givenchy track bottoms for LAX arrival. Style Swoon From Bella Hadid s white booties to the sunglasses that young Hollywood can t get enough of, we reveal the fashions we re loving now. Aquaman starring Jason Momoa and Amber Heard has its release date pushed back to December 2018 Hotly-anticipated film has its October release date pushed back. They re going to rape me Kim Kardashian was held down in bed by armed robber as she mentally prepped. Richard Hammond suffers second horror crash after falling from a motorbike and hitting his head in. Will the PM call an election for May 4th Labour prepare for snap poll as Theresa May faces pressure to. X-rated photos of Holly Willoughby stolen and threatened for use online as she joins Millie Mackintosh on. Could a daily cuppa be the key to beating DEMENTIA Research reveals black, green and oolong tea can reduce. Scottish independence vote may happen AFTER Brexit as May s determination forces Sturgeon to backtrack. Dramatic moment frightened passengers pray together and put on oxygen masks on flight from London as cabin. Coronation Street could face Ofcom investigation after flood of complaints from viewers about disturbing. DOMINIC LAWSON Utter shamelessness of filth-peddling web giants who insist they re as innocent as your. Now M 90,000 Range Rover. Feeling your age Jeremy Paxman, 66, uses walking stick during stroll with new lover 30 years his junior. Tory party activist who trained with the SAS accuses Russia of trashing her reputation by using online. George Osborne faces FIVE probes into his new editor s job Shock appointment could lead to MPs being banned. England rugby stars tough day on AND off the pitch Bleary-eyed player is helped to a car after party to. Grieving families could be up to 12,000 worse off under benefits cuts Shake-up means 75 of widowed. Take off for police drones air force Remote-controlled flying squad to chase criminals and hunt for. Beaming on her 100th birthday Projection of Dame Vera Lynn s face will light up the White Cliffs of Dover. Deported robber sent back to Britain after Portugal insisted he wasn t from there now uses legal aid to sue. Being too beautiful is bad for your love life How being good looking makes you more likely to cheat and be. SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE Ramsay pays 4m for stopgap holiday home Chef buys another retreat in Cornwall wh ile. Why turning Easter into Christmas is crackers It s a dismal sight Shops flogging Xmas-style novelties for. Aid spending to be diverted to smaller charities Grants of up to 50,000 to offered to boost family-run. Taking the direct route Train goes through the centre of a 19-storey block of flats in China s Mountain. Asda withdraws diet meals in Slimming World row Weight loss organisation seeks injunction after saying it. Powers to limit internet porn to be reduced Violent footage will be allowed to stay online as long as. Godfather of Rock He was the duck-walking musical genius who invented rock n roll and inspired Britain s. Jailbird with an indecent taste for scandal Chuck Berry and a life of crime that started with armed robbery. Dozens of people have died in blazes linked to skin creams containing paraffin that leave users at risk of. Now BA has cut fresh flowers and snacks for first class customers Services are compared to Ryanair after. Vets warn of a new outbreak of terrifying flesh-ea ting bug Alabama rot that has killed dozens of dogs and. Being attacked by animals doesn t really do it for me British backpacker, 24, who dared teenager, 18, to. Going out on a date That will cost you 129 Britons spend twice as much on a date as their European. Plans to kick out 220 Lords to restore reputation Peers who rarely turn up could be removed to help. Do YOU sound posh Vocabulary test assesses how upper class you are based on the words you use to describe. Mother tells of her wedding day heartbreak after she went into labour and lost her baby hours after. How pandering PC Labour councillors helped create the UK s jihadi breeding ground One in ten convicted. Bus driver stuns passengers after he is spotted reading the newspaper while at the wheel of single decker. Now 20 women come forward to claim they were maimed by unlicensed doctor in lip fillers scandal. You ve gotta be real careful around here Tim Allen says Hollywood is like 1930s Germany for. I ll go into space, says Professor Hawking Physicist reveals he has been offered a seat on Vi rgin Galactic. Jeremy Kyle soaks up the sunshine with children s former nanny Vicky on romantic Barbados break amid. Feminised justice that will create show trials Former criminal barrister makes the case against. Will Ken spill the beans in bid to rejoin Labour Former London mayor faces disciplinary panel in hope of. Fare dodgers could avoid court shame by paying fines online as ministers look at way to spare magistrates. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is weeks from stepping down after his anti-Trump vow to hire 10,000 refugees. MORE HEADLINES. Forex trading. Like everyone else has said you need to take your time when deciding to trade the Forex market That being said, if you are willing to learn how to trade it properly and are patient you can make money even with a small 5000 account. You will need to set strict money management rules, that is how much to place on each trade, how much you are willing to lose on each trade and how much profit you are happy to take on each trade. Greed can do fun ny things and a winning trade can end up a loosing trade. Follow these 10 steps.1 Get access to and read as much free information as possible.2 Download free Forex Charts.3 Take some Forex courses.4 Test and trial a couple of different forex strategies to determine which is best for your personality Don t rush this stage as you will really get to know yourself, how you react to loss, greed, fear and you will come to an understanding of how much time you really want to commit to your trading.5 Open a demo account with an online forex broker, and start with a conservative amount in your account between 5000 and 10,000.6 Simulator trade for between about 3 months.7 Open a Mini-Forex Account and fund with a conservative amount of money, between 300 - 2000.8 Build your confidence by taking small amounts from the market consistently.9 Throughout this whole process develop a trading plan that will consist of a What size your real trading account will be b How much you will trade each time c Wh at timeframes you will trade d How much you will risk each trade.10 Trading for Real - Start trading a real account and continue to monitor and track your progress, recognising that you are a continual learner. You can learn more from the free course at. I can help you to gain a foothold into Forex trading drawing on my 20 years of hands-on Institutional Forex trading experience and 15 years of trading my own money in the Forex market See what others say. If you re new to Forex trading I suggest my beginner videos they will provide a solid foundation for you to build on. My best proprietary Forex trading strategies, tactics, and tools are found in my training videos. You can join me and a small group of dedicated traders in my LIVE trading room. Each evening I send out a 3-5 minute webcast with one specific trade idea for the new day. On Sunday s I publish my Forex Weekly PDF with one swing trade idea for the new week. Find out what a 20-year Institutional currency trader with over 35 years o f hands-on Forex trading experience can do for your trading. Since President elect Donald Trump started speaking yesterday the US dollar has plummeted versus all the key currencies that most retail traders speculate in The term for an across the. Here is the setup UK Prime Minister May scheduled to do a 2017 look ahead interview with Sky News A If she does not soften her non negotiable position on. The concurrent release of US and Canadian employment numbers offers a unique opportunity to do a trade that makes logical sense and oftentimes make a quick profit Today was a. There s no best trading strategy per se. But there s an appropriate trading strategy for different market conditions trend and range. Before I get into the trading strategies itself, let s learnt what are the different market conditions, and then apply the appropriate trading strategy. So, in this post you ll learn. The accumulation phase where trend traders get killed. The advance phase which trend traders love. The distributio n phase where trend traders get killed, again. The declining phase where traders turn into investors. The best trading strategy for different market conditions allowing you to increase your winning rate. The worst trading strategy for trend and range markets so you can avoid losing your hard earned money. Stage 1 Accumulation phase where trend traders get killed. Accumulation usually occurs after a fall in prices, and looks like a consolidation period Characteristics of accumulation phase. It usually occurs when prices have fallen over the last 6 months or more. It can last anywhere from months to even years. It looks like long period of consolidation during a downtrend. Price is contained within a range as bulls bears are in equilibrium. The ratio of up days to down days are pretty much equal. The 200 day moving average tends to flatten out after a price decline. Price tends to whip back and forth around the 200 day moving average. Volatility tends to be low due to the lack of interest. It looks so mething like this. So which is the best trading strategy to use. A good approach to trade in an accumulation phase is to trade the range itself. This means going long at the lows of the range, and shorting at the highs of the range Your stoploss should be placed beyond the end of the range. Here s what I mean. In an accumulation phase, I would be more inclined to go short than long Why. Because you never know when it s an accumulation phase until the fact is over I ll explain more on this later. Nonetheless, I ll trade along the path of least resistance, which is towards the downside. Disclaimer Please do your own due diligence before risking your money I ll not be responsible for your wins or losses. Here s an example of a trading strategy you can consider. If 200 EMA is flattening out and price has fallen over the last 6 months, then identify the highs lows of the consolidation. If price reaches the high of the range, then wait for price rejection before going short could be in the form of Pinb ar or Engulfing patterns. If price shows rejection, then enter your trade at the next open. If entered, then place your stoploss at the high of candle, and take profits at the nearest swing low. You re probably wondering. Which trading strategy to avoid. Do not trade in the middle of the range as it has a poor trade location Price could easily swing back towards the highs lows. This would result in you getting stopped out of your trades at support resistance area It looks something like this. I know you re probably wondering. How do I know if it s an accumulation, and not just another consolidation within a trend. Something like this. You don t know till the fact is over. Because even the best looking accumulation in the markets, could turn out to be a consolidation within a trend. Until the fact is over, I ll trade along the path of least resistance, which is towards the downside. Stage 2 Advancing phase which trend traders love Best trading strategy is to long the uptrend. After price breaks out o f the accumulation phase, it goes into an advancing phase an uptrend , and consist of higher highs and lows. Characteristics of advancing phase. It usually occurs after price breaks out of accumulation phase. It can last anywhere from months to even years. Price forms a series of higher highs and higher lows. Price is trading higher over time. There are more up days than down days. Short term moving averages are above long term moving averages e g 50 above 200 day ma. The 200 day moving average is pointing higher. Price is above the 200 day moving average. Volatility tends to be high at the late stage of advancing phase due to strong interest. It looks something like this. So which is the best trading strategy to use. In an advancing phase, you want to employ a trend trading strategy to capture trends in the market. There are two ways to do it.1 Trade the pullback. You can look to long when price pullback to key areas like. Moving average. Support area. Previous resistance turned support. Fibonacci level s.2 Trade the breakout. You can look to long when price. Breaks above swing high. Close above swing high. If you re interested, you can read more on how to successfully trade pullbacks and breakouts here. Which trading strategy to avoid. When price is in an uptrend, the last thing you want to do is to go short, aka counter trend. I m not saying it s wrong, but the path of least resistance is clearly to the upside. By trading with the trend, you ll get a bigger bang for your buck, as the impulse move is stronger than the corrective move. Here s what I mean. Stage 3 Distribution phase where trend traders get killed, again. Distribution usually occurs after a rise in prices, and looks like a consolidation period. Characteristics of distribution phase. It usually occurs when prices have risen over the last 6 months or more. It can last anywhere from months to even years. It looks like long period of consolidation during an uptrend. Price is contained within a range as bulls bears are in equilibrium. The ra tio of up days to down days are pretty much equal. The 200 day moving average tends to flatten out after a price decline. Price tends to whip back and forth around the 200 day moving average. Volatility tends to be high because it has captured the attention of most traders. It looks something like this. So which is the best trading strategy to use. A good approach to trade in a distribution phase is to trade the range itself. This means going long at the lows of the range, and shorting at the highs of the range Your stoploss should be placed beyond the end of the range. Here s what I mean. In a distribution phase, I would be more inclined to go long than short. Because you never know when it s a distribution phase until the fact is over I ll explain more on this later. Nonetheless, I ll trade along the path of least resistance, which is towards the upside. Disclaimer Please do your own due diligence before risking your money I ll not be responsible for your wins or losses. Here s an example of a tr ading strategy you can consider. If 200 EMA is flattening out and price has rallied over the last 6 months, then identify the highs lows of the consolidation. If price reaches the low of the range, then wait for price rejection before going long could be in the form of Pinbar or Engulfing patterns. If price shows rejection, then enter your trade at the next open. If entered, then place your stoploss at the low of candle, and take profits at the nearest swing high. Which trading strategy to avoid. Do not trade in the middle of the range as it has a poor trade location Price could easily swing back towards the highs lows. This would result in you getting stopped out of your trades at support resistance area It looks something like this. I know you re probably wondering. How do I know if it s a distribution, and not just another consolidation within a trend. Something like this. Because even the best looking distribution in the markets, could turn out to be a consolidation within a trend. This is why you always trade with a stoploss, and proper risk management. Until the fact is over, trade along the path of least resistance, which is towards the upside. Stage 4 Declining phase where traders turn into investors Best trading strategy is to short the downtrend. After price breaks down of the distribution phase, it goes into a declining phase a downtrend , and consist of lower highs and lows. This is the stage where traders who do not cut their loss become long term investors. Characteristics of declining phase. It usually occurs after price breaks out of distribution phase. It can last anywhere from months to even years. Price forms a series of lower highs and lower lows. Price is trading lower over time. There are more down days than up days. Short term moving averages are below long term moving averages e g 50 below 200 day ma. The 200 day moving average is pointing lower. Price is below the 200 day moving average. Volatility tends to be high due to panic and fear in the markets. It looks someth ing like this. So which is the best trading strategy to use. In a declining phase, you want to employ a trend trading strategy to capture trends in the market. There are two ways to do it.1 Trade the pullback. You can look to long when price pullback to key areas like. Moving average. Support area. Previous resistance turned support. Fibonacci levels.2 Trade the breakout. You can look to long when price. Breaks above swing high. Close above swing high. Which trading strategy to avoid. When price is in a downtrend, the last thing you want to do is to go long, aka counter trend. I m not saying it s wrong, but the path of least resistance is clearly to the downside By trading with the trend, you ll get a bigger bang for your buck, as the impulse move is stronger than the corrective move. Here s what I mean. Summary of what you ve learnt. I hope it helps. I will give you 45 ways to avoid losing money trading forex by Jimmy Young, CTA Who is Jimmy Young Retired proven professional Bank FOREX trader with over 20 years of hands-on FOREX trading experience.1 Knowledge Deficiency Most new FOREX traders don t take the time to learn what drives currency rates primarily fundamentals.2 Overtrading - Trading often with tight stops and tiny profit targets will only make the broker rich The desire to just make a few hundred dollars a day by locking in tiny profits whenever possible is a losing strategy.3 Over leveraged - Leverage is a two way street The brokers want you to use high leverage because that means more spread income because your position size determines the amount of spread income the bigger the position the more spread income the broker earns.4 Relying on Others Real traders play a lone hand they make their own decisions and don t rely on others to make their trading decisions for them there is no halfway either trade for yourself or have someone else trade for you.5 Stop Losses Putting tight stop losses with retail brokers is a recipe for disaster When you put on a trade commit to a re asonable stop loss limit that allows your trade a fair chance to develop.6 Demo Accounts Broker demo accounts are a shill game of sorts they re not as time sensitive as real accounts and therefore give the impression that time sensitive trading systems, such as short-term moving average crossovers can be consistently profitably traded once you start dealing with real money, reality is quick to set in.7 Trading During Off Hours Bank FX traders, option traders, and hedge funds have a huge advantage during off hours they can push the currencies around when no volume is going through and the end game is new traders get fleeced trying to trade signals There is only one signal during off hours stay out.8 Trading a Currency, Not a Pair Being right about a currency is half a trade success or failure depends upon being right about the second currency that makes up the pair.9 No Trading Plan - Make money is not a trading plan A trading plan is a blueprint for trading success it spells out what y ou see your edge as being if you don t have an edge, you don t have a plan, and likely you ll wind up a statistic part of the 95 of new traders that lose and quit.10 Trading Against Prevailing Trend There is a huge difference between buying cheaply on the way down and buying cheaply What was a low price quickly becomes a high price when you re trading against the trend.11 Exiting Trades Poorly If you put on a trade and it s not working make sure you exit properly don t compound the damage If you re in a winning trade, don t talk yourself out of the position because you re bored or want to relieve stress stress is a natural part of trading get used to it.12 Trading Too Short-term If your profit target is less than 20 points don t do the trade the spread you pay to enter the trade makes the odds way against you when you go for these tiny profits.13 Picking Tops and Bottoms - Looking for bargains works well at the supermarket but not trading foreign exchange try to trade in the direction the price is going and your results will improve.14 Being Too Smart The most successful traders I know are high school graduates They keep it simple and don t look beyond the obvious their results are excellent.15 Not Trading Around News Time Most of the big moves occur around news time The volume is high and the moves are real there is no better time to trade fundamentally or technically than when news is released this is when the real money adjusts their positions and as a result the price changes reflect serious currency flow compared to quiet times when Bank traders rule the market with their customer order flow.16 Ignore Technical Condition Determining whether the market is over-extended long or over-extended short is a key determinant of near time price action Spike moves often occur when the market is all one way.17 Emotional Trading When you don t pre-plan your trades essentially it s a thought and not an idea thoughts are emotions and a very poor basis for doing trades Do peop le generally say intelligent things when they are upset and emotional I don t think so.18 Lack of Confidence Confidence only comes from successful trading If you lose money early in your trading career it s very difficult to gain true confidence The trick is don t go off half-cocked Learn the business before you trade.19 Lack of Courage to Take a Loss There is nothing macho or gutsy about riding a loss, just stupidity and cowardice It takes guts to accept your loss and wait for tomorrow to try again Getting married to a bad position ruins lots of traders The thing to remember is the market does crazy things often, so don t get married to any one trade It s just a trade One good trade will not make you a trading success rather it s monthly and annual performance that defines a good trader.20 Not Focusing on the Trade at Hand There is no room for fantasizing in successful trading Counting up and mentally spending profits you haven t made yet is mental masturbation and does you no good Sa me with worrying about a loss that hasn t happened yet Focus on your position and have a reasonable stop loss in place at the time you do the trade Then be like an astronaut sit back and enjoy the ride No sense worrying because you have no real control The market will do what it wants to do.21 Interpreting FOREX News Incorrectly Fact is the press only has a very superficial understanding of the news they are reporting and tend to focus on one element and miss the point Learn to read the source documents and understand it for real.22 Lucky or Good Your account balance changes don t tell you the whole story about your trading Fact is if you are taking a lot of risk and making money you will eventually crash and burn Look at the individual trade details Focus on your big loses and losing streaks Ask yourself this, If I had a couple of consecutive losing streaks or a couple of consecutive big losses, how would my account balance look Generally, traders making money without big daily losses have the best chance of sustaining positive performance The others are accidents waiting to happen.23 Too Many Charity Trades When you make money on a well thought out trade don t give back half on a whim Invest your profits from good trades on the next good trade.24 Courage Under Fire When a policeman breaks down the door to a drug dealer s apartment he is scared but he does it anyway When a fireman climbs onto the roof of a burning building he is scared but does it anyway, and gets the job done Same with trading It s ok to be scared but you have to pull the trigger No trigger no trades no profits no trader.25 Quality Trading Time I suggest 3 hours a day of quality, focused trading time That s about all your brain allows When you are trading, be 100 focused Half way is bullshit - it doesn t work Don t even think that time spent in front of the computer watching the rates has any correlation to profitability - it doesn t Spend less time but when you re trading, be 100 focused on tradi ng.26 Rationalizing Killer Absolute Killer Put your trade on and let it run If it hits your reasonable pre-determined stop, you re out Think of yourself as a prizefighter You just got knocked out Moving your stop is like getting up after being crushed with a knockout blow It s pointless Things will only get worse Don t ignore the obvious You re wrong get out Come back the next day and try again A small loss will not hurt you - a catastrophic loss will.27 Mixing Apples and Oranges Have you ever done this You see the EURUSD trading higher so you buy GBPUSD because it hasn t moved yet That s a mistake Most of the time the reason the GBPUSD hasn t moved yet is because it s already overbought or some 4 30am UK news was bearish Don t mix apples and oranges If EURUSD looks bid, buy EURUSD.28 Avoiding the Hard Trades Bank FX traders have an axiom the harder the trade is to do the better the trade This I learned from experience When I needed to buy EURUSD and it was hard to get them, that s whe n it s necessary to pay up and get the business done When it s easy to get them, then sit back and wait for better levels So if you are trying to get into a trade, or more importantly get out of a trade, don t putz around for a few points - get your business done.29 Too Much Detail If your trading more than 2 indicators then you need to clean house Having many indicators stifles trading and finds reasons not to trade A setup and a trigger is all you need.30 Giving Up Too Easy Your first trade of the day may not be your best but certainly it s no reason to quit I have a preset daily trading limit and I use it You can t make money by making excuses Getting trades wrong is natural and should be expected.31 Jumping the Gun Don t be penny wise and dollar foolish Wait for your trade signal to be clear Put on your trade and give it a decent size stop loss so that you don t get knocked out by random noise.32 Afraid to Take a Loss - trading is not personal, it s business Don t think that a poor trade is a reflection on you It could be you re just ahead of your time or a commercial order hits the market and temporarily creates a small unexpected move Again, place your stop beforehand and NEVER increase your pre-determined risk If it s going bad, it will probably get worse I think that s Newton s body in motion tends to stay in motion.33 Over-Relying on Risk Reward There is zero advantage in risk reward If you put a 20 point stop and a 60 point profit your chances are probably 3-1 that you will lose Actually with the spread its more like 4 to 1 from entry point if it goes down 17 points you lose, or up 63 - you win 17 63 is close to 4-1.34 Trading for Wrong Reasons Because the EURUSD is going up is not in itself a reason to buy Buying EURUSD because it s not moving much is even worse You re paying the toll spread without even a hint that you will get a directional move If you are bored, don t trade the reason you re bored is there is no trade to do in the first place.35 Rumors Rumors are rumors almost 100 of the time Think about where in the motion you heard the rumor If EURUSD is up 50 points in last 15 minutes and the rumor is dollar negative, well - then you missed it Whenever you in motion with the trade, determine where you are entering.36 Trading Short-term Moving Average Crossovers This is the money sucker of the century When the shorter term moving average cross the longer term moving average, it only means that the average price in the short run is equal to the average price in the longer run For the life of me, I cannot understand why this is bullish or bearish Easy to set up on software, complete with lights, bells and whistles, and good for the seller getting thousands for the software but in terms of creating profit - it s a zero.37 Stochastic Another money sucker Personally I think this indicator is used backwards When it first signals an overdone condition, that s when I think the big spike in the overdone currency pair occurs To be overbough t means strong and oversold means weak Try buying on the first sign of overbought and selling on the first sign of oversold You ll be with the trend and likely have identified a move with plenty of juice left.38 Wrong Broker A lot of FOREX brokers are horrible Get a good one Read forums and chats in several different places to get an unbiased opinion.39 Simulated Results Watch out for black box systems These are trading systems that don t divulge how the trade signals are generated Great majority of them are absolute garbage They show you a track record of extraordinary results but think about it If you could build a trading system with half a dozen filters using the benefit of hindsight, couldn t you too come up with a great system Of course going forward is an entirely different story High - speed number crunching capabilities allows for building great hindsight trading systems, so BEWARE.40 Inconsistency Every business FOREX trading included requires a business plan trading plan Unle ss you have taken the time to write down a set of rules that you can and will follow, it s likely your trading will remain unfocused and directionless Make a plan, have rules, follow them Set goals that are realistic and you will achieve them.41 Master of None Focus on one currency for technical trading Each currency has a unique way of trading and unless you get intimate with it, you will never truly understand its underlying idiosyncrasies Don t spread yourself too thin focus, master one currency at a time.42 Thinking Long Term Don t do it Stay in the moment Especially if you re a day trader It doesn t matter what happens next week or next month If you are trading with 30 to 50 point stops, restrict your thought process to what s happening right now That is not to stay the long-term trend is not important It is to say the long-term trend will not always help you when your trading a significantly shorter time frame.43 Overconfidence Trading is simple but not easy Statistics show 95 fa ilure rate of those attempting to become traders If you re doing well, don t take your success for granted Always be on the lookout for ways to improve what you are already doing.44 Getting Pumped Up The trick is to maintain an even keel When you are in a trade, you want to think exactly as you would if you didn t have a trade on To do this requires a relaxed disposition This is not a football game Don t get psyched up Relax and try to enjoy it.45 Staying in the Game I don t recommend demo trading because traders learn bad habits when trading with play money I also don t think letting it all hang out right away is wise either Start off doing trades and taking risk that is relatively small but still makes a difference to you if you win or lose About a quarter to a third of what you expect to reach as your trading matures is reasonable. Hope this helps Also, if you want to learn more, you should check out this book which helped me the most.15 1k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Thi s is the best forex tip I know about. How to Turn 2 Thousand Dollars into 2 Million Within 2 Years. with a minimum of risk, using forex This method works with Pounds Sterling, Euros or Swiss Francs as well March 2015.Make sure you have a credit card with a limit of at least 3,000 If you don t have one, get one But if you can t get one, don t worry too much about it. Thoroughly learn the Forex tutorial given at School of Pipsology Learn Forex Trading it should take you about two months so be patient Also read as many articles as you can at - Forex Trading Secrets and Vantage Point Trading - Your Forex, Futures and Stock Trading Resource Since 2007.Open an OANDA practice trading account at Forex Trading Trade Currency Online Forex Broker OANDA and practice Forex using OANDA s proprietary Java software for a year, and become thoroughly familiar with Forex in practice Preferably also find a mentor or other forex experts to talk to Note that this year is not counted towards the 2 years in whic h you will turn your 2,000 into 2 million. Only then open an OANDA trading account at Forex Trading Trade Currency Online Forex Broker OANDA Preferably, to prevent anyone hacking into your computer, use a dedicated computer to do your trading but it doesn t have to be an expensive computer it just has to be capable of running the latest Java software You will have to send your ID, etc to OANDA, to prove you are who you say you are, so opening an account may take some time. Using OANDA s web site, set your leverage level to no more than 33 and no less than 25.Trade only the currency pair Euro US Dollar EUR USD. Deposit only 2,000 into your OANDA trading account on your first day of trading, using your credit card Try not to use any of the other available methods of depositing money into your account, since a commission will be charged but if necessary use them. In the OANDA Java applet, click in the menu on Tools User Preferences Trading and set the Default Order Size to 5 of Leveraged NAV Net Asset Value. Every day check the daily and weekly charts for EUR USD and determine the longest-term trends Also go to Economic Outlook and Financial Market Predictions and see what their forecast chart is predicting it is fairly accurate, as can be seen by their historical data In addition, google the phrase EUR USD long term outlook without the quotes and read what big financial institutions like big banks and major investment houses like Goldman Sachs and Bloomberg are saying about the long term outlook for the EUR USD pair And best of all make a daily in-depth study of the material at EUR USD Technical Studies. Set trades only in the direction of the longest-term trend, outlook and sentiment with regard to the EUR USD pair This is very important. In the OANDA Java applet, set at least 25, and preferably 50, Limit or pending trades in the direction of the long term trend, each approximately 2 5 pips apart from the next Each trade should be set to 5 pips of Default Take Profit level, and the Default Limit Order Duration of each trade should be 3 months. Set every fourth trade to either 20, 25 or 30 pips Take Profit. Set a stop loss on each trade of more than 300 pips It is very important that the stop loss be larger than the weekly price fluctuation. When the EUR USD price level moves in the direction of the trend, if you happen to be at your computer, close any trade that has made a profit and now appears to be clearly turning in the direction of a potential loss At other times, let the price level automatically take profit. Try to be at your computer as often as you can though not necessarily continuously between the hours of 4 am and 12 noon, Eastern Standard Time This is when trading in the EUR USD currency pair is normally the most volatile, and when you can make the most money. Get yourself a tablet or a smart phone, and download the appropriate OANDA app check how the market is doing every now and then wherever you are, and if necessary, close trades as said ear lier and also below. Make sure that there are always at least 25, and preferably 50, Limit trades above or below the price line above or below depending on the direction of the trend, of course. If the market is going in the profitable direction very rapidly on any given day, set additional pending trades each with 5 pips Take Profit in-between all the other trades which are about 2 5 pips apart If the volatility decreases later, cancel these additional trades. Every now and then check the Margin Closeout Percent in the Account Summary table of the OANDA Java window If it goes above 20 , close some trades, even if you have to do so at a loss or deposit some more money from your credit card to tide you over temporarily Once you have made a profit equal to or greater than the amount deposited, withdraw the money so deposited. Keep the number of dangling trades i e , trades making a potential loss to a maximum of 10, and preferably to no more than 5 Close any losing trades over and above 10, even if necessary at a small loss. At the end of every month of trading, withdraw 25 of the profit made during that month, and keep it in a separate bank account to use as a cushion against any catastrophic unexpected losses In time this cushion will grow to about half the balance in your trading account. Be patient If you make an average profit of 2 or more per trading day, then within 2 years the total amount of money in the Balance column of your account will grow to well over 2 million while over that time you will have deposited and therefore risked only 2,000.1 2k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Hannah Lawrence Forex Trader and Article Contributor for. Here are some of the best Forex Trading tips I ve applied to myself. Focus on bigger picture. Instead of focusing on their losses, successful traders focus on the overall performance of their trade They trade, regardless of the losses they encounter, because they believe in their system and in their winning probabilities. Proper money management. Successful traders follow the golden rule of not risking more than 2 of their capital to increase their probabilities in winning. Master their own emotions. They do not let their emotions affect their trade They do not trade base on greed or fear. Stick to their trading plan. They follow their trading plan religiously - they do not enter a trade when it is against their trading plan. They set goals. Goal sets the tone on how you should trade Once successful traders targeted return is met for the week, they do not enter another trade or if they do, they would risk smaller percentage of their capital. They dare to step out of their comfort zonefort zone restricts us from achieving our dreams Successful traders are not afraid They do what are necessary to further their growth. As you trade more often, you ll discover more on how successful traders think.149 Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Mansi Jain studied at Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore. Investments in the stock m arket need a good knowledge of the Company and its detail The stock market is very much volatile in nature and the past record of share value is not a pointer for future performance It is also important whether you are going for short term gains or for long term investment It is a better idea to invest in different shares at the same time than depending on a limited number of shares, because the loss in one will be compensated by the other You should take the advice of a well experienced market expert or Share Brokers or from established Banks via their Security Services Investing in stocks of different Banks for a long term gain can be a good option Lots of Banks are now maintaining Mutual Funds managed by their experienced Fund Managers This can be the most excellent option because the Bankers like the SBI, HDFC, ICICI etc invest in established Stocks and good returns can be expected over a long term A calculated risk is advisable if you are a youngster Going for stock option can be disastrous particularly for older and retired people having no other source of income You may find for more information from the different Search engines or from websites like moneycontrol, CNBC, economic times for a discussion on the nature and forecast of the available stock options It is a fantasy to think that the stocks of established companies only will always yield high returns and those unknown Companies might cause loss of investment The final decision is always yours and your experience will make you the top judge whether to go or not to go for an investment like buying stocks and whether to go for a long term or short term investment Before you enter into any Segment you should always remember that what you are doing, why you are doing it and how to do it Previous to you invest in any security, the initial investment in the stock market, you should make is in yourself, and the most excellent investment you can make is by regularly educating yourself in the current business n ews or company announcement. Begin your education by learning why you should invest and the value of being able to make your own decisions or how the pros make theirs. Following are a few reading materials that can get you begin in the correct direction. When Genius Failed - Roger Lowenstein Den of Thieves - James B Stewart The Big Short - Michael Lewis Barbarians at the Gate - Bryan Burrough John Helyar Beating the Street by Peter Lynch From Riches to Rags, by I C Freeley How to Make Money in Stocks by William O Neil 24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success by William O Neil The Intelligent Investor, by Benjamin Graham Common Stocks, Uncommon Profits, by Philip A Fisher One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch Stocks for the Long Run, by Jeremy Siegel The Interpretation of Financial Statements by Benjamin Graham What Works on Wall Street by James O Shaunessey You Can Be a Stock Market Genius by Joel Greenblatt You re Money and Your Brain by Jason Zweig. You can get into the making daily ha bit to visit some websites like MSN Money, CNBC, Moneycontrol, Economic times, Google Finance and Yahoo Finance. Visit a few of the more professional websites like Trifid Research Forex Tips, Free Forex Tips some of these web sites will have advertisers who are worth looking into also And keep in mind, if they offer free information, get it. The Stock market at least has made the accurate decision to begin investing, this is the first big step and it won t be your last Always Keep taking those steps forward and along the way don t take the advice from people that are not in the market or try to tell you not to invest.685 Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Robert Parker CEO of Holborn Assets - Holistic Financial Planning Services, Dubai. Here are some trading tips for beginners. Don t expect anything from Forex trading in the long term, but just learn about it I don t say you should not get motivated, but don t let your imagination go too far Don t believe every advertising on the Inte rnet about how you will get a 500 bonus on deposit, or about how you can trade without losing money Have a serious attitude and spend your time by learning rather than dreaming Learning involves much reading, practicing on a demo account and looking for simple strategies. Don t borrow money to start Forex trading. You should never but never invest more than you can afford If you have some extra-money, you should spend them on your practicing, because for the beginning - you will not make consistent profits - so be ready for that. Keep in mind that no one is happy to give you free money Why would someone do that to you Do you think the Fx brokers are so generous and want to help you with your life It is a business, so try to find reputable brokers. In Forex - all that matters is ATTITUDE - so focus on that If you have amazing strategies without a serious and professional attitude, it won t help you. Try to have some fun Try to have pleasure by analyzing the news A trader does not act like an inpatient bull who expects the toreador open the gate as quick as possible to get all the money because he has found some important news and wants to invest all the balance You should not do it even if the sentiment is bullish. Learn some particular instruments like EUR USD, Gold, USD JPY and focus only on their specifics In time, you will catch some issues that are repetitive. Forex trading is not about this. There are probably more, but I will stop here for now. I hope this was helpful. Forex Trading Advice and Tips.1 Acknowledge the likelihood of losing your cash as an unavoidable reality Each apprentice dealer ought to know that nobody is sheltered from misfortunes in the cash showcase The essential manage of online cash exchanging is to keep the benefit over the misfortunes.2 Offered just with a precisely brainstormed out arrangement Before you begin exchanging, you ought to decide the amount of your own cash you will hazard and what benefit you anticipate This will be your adjust of hazard and benefit Effective brokers never enter exchanges without an unmistakable objective.3 Try not to fear the outside trade advertise Numerous fledgling brokers fear vulnerability and dangers of the remote trade advertise The individuals who can conquer this are compensated with a considerable increment in speculations.4 Assume liability for your choices Effective merchants will never disavow moral duty It is you who enter the market and it is you who accept all accountability for the exchanges, gainful or unfruitful.5 Try not to give voracity a chance to assume control At the point when offering starts effectively, dealers regularly disregard the beforehand set objectives, seeking after the same fruitful continuation Be that as it may, the market is exceptionally unstable and patterns may rapidly end Once the objective cost is come to, instantly pull back the benefit or raise the stop-cost to stay away from misfortunes.6 Impact of news on the exchanges The expansion in exchanging volume brought on by a greatly exposed occasion prompts to the development of costs, which is adequate to guarantee that brokers use further bolstering their good fortune short and quick changes available Unpracticed merchants frequently go for one exchanging exchange for each day, which would make impressive benefit.7 Try not to have dreams In the event that a vacant position is deteriorating, don t remain focused market in the trust of the pattern turning in the heading that is good for you Instantly leave the market.8 Evacuate feelings The reason for misfortunes regularly lies in exorbitant emotionality Kill feelings amid exchanges Adhere to your arrangement and keep in mind to set stop misfortune orders.9 Pattern is your companion Exchange along the heading of the pattern and your benefits will develop. Last proposals before beginning.1 Try not to hustle Fledgling merchants regularly begin a few exchanges, and afterward see that they are not ready to screen all of them You can make benefit in Forex when the swapping scale is going up and when it is falling Effective acquiring is workable for one cash combine Hence, first concentrate on one coin match and get to the others bit by bit.2 Keep in mind the stop arrange A successive reason for misfortunes isn t right cash administration To anticipate immense misfortunes, you should utilize a stop arrange.3 Exchanging framework Each dealer has an exchanging framework, which they change in accordance with their enjoying A few dealers lean toward an arrangement of exchanging once every day, other are pulled in by longer periods The thought is adhere to the first arrangement of exchanging A few unsuccessful exchanges may not generally show your framework is unrewarding.4 Take you benefit utilizing orders A typical misstep of fledglings is early shutting of exchanges Try not to step far from your online forex exchanging arrangement This will avert you losing potential benefit.5 Try not to transform productive exchanges int o misfortunes Mindfully screen the development of the market When positive qualities are accomplished, set the stop arrange at the level of access to the market This will secure your cash Next, move the stop arrange after the pattern so exchanges get to be gainful for you.6 Visit doorways Visit passages into the market are not terrible, but rather on the off chance that you utilize them incompetently, you can rapidly go bankrupt The system is that the dealer with a negative position esteem builds its size, accepting that the market will come back to its previous condition and all positions will be shut with a benefit Be that as it may, if the conversion scale goes far from the past level, the misfortunes will be colossal, so you would be advised to simply purchase and hold.7 Pre-arranging Try not to enter the market simply because costs are pointedly rising or falling Prepare for how you will offer Have a reasonable objective of your entrance, the conversion scale revenue driven taking request and the minute to stop.8 Try not to lose the ventures You ought to know how to spare the cash you earned Rapidly shut the losing positions and keep open the gainful ones.9 Energy and pattern Tenderfoot dealers regularly don t understand that with the rise of another pattern, energy is developing New brokers make a solid motivation as they join different exchanges available when the pattern is developing Exchange when the force is to support you It will push your exchanges the right bearing and you will achieve the purpose of benefit taking significantly quicker than you anticipated.10 Try not to dedicate an excessive amount of time to unrewarding exchanges In the event that you see that the opened position is misfortune making, the best arrangement is close it and proceed onward to another, along these lines minimizing your misfortunes The coin market is brimming with deals, so there is no utilization squandering time on unfruitful exchanges. By taking after the suggestions abo ve, you will rapidly observe a change in your work on the outside trade advertise Presently you can securely begin genuine exchanging with 100 honest forex signals provider website.1 1k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction.

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